Minha Lista de Coffee Roasters

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Coffee Guide by Camila Lui
Name Website
3fe https://shop.3fe.com
Badger & Dodo https://badgeranddodo.ie/shop/
Bailies https://www.bailiescoffee.com/
Bear Market https://shop.bearmarket.ie/
Bell Lane https://belllane.ie
Brewbox https://brewboxcoffee.ie/
Cafe Capitale https://cafecapitale.com/
Calendar https://calendarcoffee.ie/
Carrow https://carrow.ie/
Cloud Picker https://cloudpickercoffee.ie/
Coffee Angel https://coffeeangel.com
Coffee Collective https://coffeecollective.dk/
Ineffable https://ineffablecoffee.com/en/
James Gourmet Coffee https://jamesgourmetcoffee.com/
Kiss the Hippo https://kissthehippo.com/
Origin https://www.origincoffee.co.uk/
Red Eye https://www.redeyecoffeeroasters.eu/
Roasted Brown https://www.roastedbrown.com
Soma https://www.somacoffeecompany.ie/
Squaremile https://shop.squaremilecoffee.com/
The Barn https://thebarn.de/
ThreeFools https://threefoolscoffee.ie/
Upside https://www.upsidecoffee.com/
Vice https://www.vicecoffeeinc.com/products
West Cork Coffee https://www.westcorkcoffee.ie/


  • Eu não provei todos estes fornecedores ainda, somente alguns
  • Este post não é patrocinado por nenhuma empresa, foi feito especificamente para uso pessoal

Camila Lui

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